Empowering Patients with Self-Service to Ease Caller Navigation

In healthcare, self-service technology assists patients and provides immediate access to care while reducing hold times for people who opt to speak with a live agent.

The High Cost of Inadequate Call Navigation in Healthcare

Today, the digital front door is the first touchpoint that connects patients to a health system.

Why Effective Call Navigation is Imperative for Health Systems

Today, the digital front door is the first touchpoint that connects patients to a health system.

How Health Systems Can Improve Patient Navigation for Each Generation

Today, the digital front door is the first touchpoint that connects patients to a health system.

The Importance of Frictionless Self-Service at the Healthcare Digital Front Door

Today, the digital front door is the first touchpoint that connects patients to a health system.

Put a Kaizen Lens on the Process of Answering the Phone in a Large Health System

Reduce wasted labor and patient frustration. One of the most frequent processes in healthcare is also one of the most flawed.

Not All Nuance SpeechAttendant Replacements Are Created Equal

Behind the scenes of countless patient access center teams in healthcare are hardworking agents.

How Conversational AI Eases the Burdens of Patient Access Contact Center Agents

Behind the scenes of countless patient access center teams in healthcare are hardworking agents.

Looking for a Replacement for Nuance SpeechAttendant? Choose Parlance.

The discontinuation of Nuance SpeechAttendant® and Open SpeechAttendant® products has left their customers searching for a new automated attendant solution.

Your Boston Accent Shouldn’t Stump Conversational AI in Healthcare

In Boston, we tell people to “Pahk yah cah in Havahd Yahd.” Visitors to our city may find the local accent hard to understand.