Why CIOs Should Invest in Conversational AI to Save Money and Enhance Patient Access 

3 min Today, the digital front door is the first touchpoint that connects patients to a health system.

Three Reasons Phone-Based Customer Service in Healthcare is Here to Stay

6 min Today, the digital front door is the first touchpoint that connects patients to a health system.

Why Healthcare CIOs Should Automate FAQs with Conversational AI

3 min Today, the digital front door is the first touchpoint that connects patients to a health system.

Why Effective Call Navigation is Imperative for Health Systems

3 min Today, the digital front door is the first touchpoint that connects patients to a health system.

Can AI Understand “Park the Car in Harvard Yard”?

3 min As a Bostonian, I often hear people trying to imitate our native accent with the phrase, “Pahk tha cah in Hahvahd Yahd.” In fact, speaking with this lack of “r” sound is the mark of a true Bostonian. Comparatively, in a place like Dallas, their “r” sounds are emphasized much more – they might say it… Continue reading Can AI Understand “Park the Car in Harvard Yard”?

Improving Patient Experience with Conversational AI

3 min In the first 30 seconds of a patient’s interaction with your health system, you’ve set the tone for the remainder of their engagement – for better or worse. First impressions count. According to a Harvard study, it typically takes eight subsequent positive encounters to overcome a negative first impression. In healthcare, 70% of people’s first… Continue reading Improving Patient Experience with Conversational AI